Session Description #tech14 LC3
If you think of e-learning as mind-numbing PowerPoints disguised as online courses, think again. As technology and our understanding of how humans learn has evolved in the past several years, e-learning has become a real juggernaut––and its future is looking very bright. Examine some of the forces that are transforming online education––and, in many cases–– impacting conference sessions and seminar rooms as well. Discuss flipped learning, micro-learning, and the impact of the “massive open online course” trend. We’ll consider specific situations when your organization might want to embrace new e-learning technologies and approaches and also highlight specific tools you to consider. Walk away with a clear understanding of the most important e-learning trends and actionable ideas to take back to their organizations.
Speaker: Jeff Cobb
Handout: TECH2014-Massive-Micro-Flipped-final
Leveraging MOOCs for Professional Development and Continuing Education
Leveraging the Flipped Classroom for Professional Development and Continuing Education
Leveraging Microlearning for Professional Development and Continuing Education
Session Notes #tech14 LC3
MOOC = massive, open online, course.
massive -meant to reach lots of people, open – free, open to all, online – real time interaction, course. check coursera — democratize the world of education? higher ed is an opportunity but continued education is the true opportunity. MOOC example — Illinois HomeCare & Hospice Council, Beer & Food Course. 4-5 days, raise awareness, educate key channels, based on PDF technologies.
xMOOC — it’s about scale. more content driven. cMOOC — more community driven, emphases on learner co-creation.
Consider doing a MOOC in the first place. What are you business reasons? What are the learning reasons?
Business reasons: reach large audience, leverage stars, self directness and peer interaction, significant non-revenue
How to MOOC: tech factors, degree fo formality, degree of interactivity, tracking and reporting needs, credit management needs, monetization needs.
MOOC technology options, standard web and learning tools, consider partnerships, current platform provider, common MOOC platforms.
Common MOOC platforms: edX (open source, yeah!), Moodle, Coursesites, udemy
Flipped learning
(from wikipedia) Flipped classroom is a form of blended learning in which students learn content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and homework is done in class with teachers and students discussing and solving questions. Teacher interaction with students is more personalized – guidance instead of lecturing. This is also known as backwards classroom, inverted classroom, reverse teaching, and the Thayer Method
Flipped Examples NASSP Why flip? Prior knowledge at all different levels — got to level learning. Quick hit — space learning so you can absorb more information.
How to Flip
Technology — camtasia, socretive, poll everywhere, wikispaces, screencastomatic, evernote, quizrevolution
Micro Learning
modules delivered daily in inbox, less than five minutes, content based on user feedback, ability to set paths “trickling out learning”
How to Micro — technology options: standard web and learning tools, look for html 5 compliance. Check out knowledgePulse, minister mind marker, quizlet