Session Description for #tech14 LL2 The Future of Content Distribution
The mission of every organization is dependent on the ability to communicate with our current and future community of members, and stakeholders. Up until recently the website was just an online version printed materials. The emergence of mobile content has been challenging this context; the future of websites is beginning to shift away from traditional constraints to take advantage of the full capacity of the digital platforms where organizational content is being consumed. This thought-provoking session will cover new ideas and kick to the curb many archaic design practices. With a focus on “mobile-first” and user-defined content, examine how the user experience is changing and the tools now available to meet the demand.
Speaker: Mike Lee, senior advisor, digital strategy, AARP Digital Strategy & Operations
Speaker: Mark Tobias, President, Pantheon
Note for the Session
Personal Branding
Not purely about knowledge sharing. It’s an individual’s choice — of the content they share. Their statement to the world. Your role in the association is to help them to do that. Your content has to let members share who they are. People are assaulted with a flurry of content –things they don’t connect with them, they will pass by. People need to identify with the content. Once they do, that’s when they contribute it back to their sphere.
“I” statement = identification statement. Image is just Millennial phenonmenon? Not the case. across the spectrum, everyone is participating in this phenomenon. Regardless whether it’s a trade association or an individual (the content of their life).
As you create content, who is this content for and can they identify with it? Need to content with “instinctual” content with which people can react.
Search is still king but social media is planning a coup. it is a pull. Balance between the push and pull mechanism. This is content we product so we push it out to members (not the only way). However, search is still the n0.1 way people find content.
Content not just text, but video (no. 2). content needs to come in multiple forms: audio, video. How do you search through this? Develop a effective TAXONOMY! Got to organize it for them. This is your unique contribution as a organization. Social media allows for content REDISTRIBUTION. EXTREMELY powerful. The “network” effect — content that resonates with some, will be redistributed thus resonate with others.
The awesomeness of video
YouTube is where the future is headed in content. Video production is not expensive. You have to start adding skill set to your organization. AARP is restructuring the organization is centered around video. Google AARP studios — merge social media team with video content unit. Following is the Slideshare:
More here: Selfie culture has contributed to the decline of standard quality — no longer is HD needed. Video is in smaller bites to make it more shareable.
If search is king, is content curation queen? Your role is to cull the clutter. Curate the content that is of highest quality. it’s about trust. This is a rapidly shifting environment in media — lower ad revenue is an indicator. New organizations are doing their best to show themselves as authoritative — one way is to give up a little control of their voice. They now allow your content, but curate it — this is the value add. Part of being an authoritative source is to allow the distribution with content you DON’T agree with. You will lose control of your content, but can you do so in a way that you still remain the authoritative source.
Measure and monitor
AARP pulls reports every week from all media — mobile is a big part of the overall measurement. This is shared with all content teams in real-time so they are constantly aware of the mode of consumption. You need to gain the knowledge of how this content is being used. This is just being responsive to their audience. This is the role you have as an association.
Every two weeks, AARP pulls satisfaction reports. They look for verbatims – how it’s rated, how many clicks, time on page. However, lots of overhead to measure and monitor content — you have determine resources and devote what you’ve got.
Content distribution is a means. It’s tied to effective as an organization. they’ll tell you that through visits, increased event numbers, products sales, etc. Don’t get lost in the content metrics — judge content for conversion rates.
Content objectification
How to convert content into content objects. Produce multiple versions of that content. Large research paper? Not just PDF. Beyond executive summary. The video 30 second snippet, the social media post to describe the content, a mobile version of the executive summary or video, etc. It’s not acceptable to have one version of it. This is the MOST DIFFICULT process. Methods are still being created to make this easier. This creates more effective content.
AARP switching to “everywhere” platform based on bootstrap platform. The web should be built once and work on any screen. content objectification = they way you implement and program your content not just breaking out to different media. treating things as objects from a technical perspective.
Content programmability
How to create nine different versions of content? Culture change of trusting your audience. Think other apps and other sites to consume and contribute content back to you. Let your controlled audience allows to contribute content back, for your to curate and redistribute. Not just through your website but through your own apps. Let CMS pull in and stage content. Push and pull is important. It’s now a LOOP. As the push and pull happens, you constantly curate and measure to gauge effectiveness.